Friday, August 28, 2009
I love you and I don't tell you that enough. You are a loving and patient wife, a caring and patient mother, and I am the luckiest man in the world to have shared the last 17 years with you. We have had our ups and downs and not all of our dreams have come true, but we have lived an adventure together that I would not trade for the world. I am grateful to God that I have you to come home to every night and for all that he has brought us through together. When life is distracting us and I forget to tell you, remember that I love you more than I let on sometimes.
Happy Anniversary,
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Silver Lake
We had a great day at Silver Lake today. It was the "All Church Campout". We just went up for the day for the potluck and lake festivities. Ryan was the official Blob man. Everyone wanted him to be the guy to propel them off the end of the tube, a.k.a Blob.
In this video, Nathan get's blobbed first by David. Then David crawls to the end and gets blobbed by Ryan. I wish I had a closeup of Ryan in the life jacket. If you ever saw Tommy Boy then it's the "Fat man in a little coat" scene. Very funny!
Now that we're home Ryan is paying the price for his fun. He's having a hard time moving around and his back hurts. Poor guy!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
For the past few years we've been invited to share the 4th of July festivities at Sun-Up Bay Resort in Idaho. They always have a parade with all the neighbors and friends on the 3rd of July followed by fireworks. This year David and Nathan were asked to be apart of the parade. David was reluctant. But when a friend asked him too, (she's on the left in the picture) he said yes. I know it's blurry but you can almost see his smirk. The top picture (that I can't seem to move!) is Nathan "Hooky bobbin' it" (as Ryan called it) on the back of the fire engine.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Kite Video
So here's the video of us flying kites today. Ryan put some great finishing touches to it. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Ahhh, Mother's Day

Aren't they pretty? Ryan sent them to my work today with a card saying "Happy Mother's Day from your three boys". I never get flowers so it was nice. Well, ok I shouldn't say 'never'. He did bring home some daffodils a few months ago mumbling something about it being a fundraiser of something. They were pretty too.
This Mother's day is bittersweet for me. It happens to be my dad's birthday too. I miss him alot. I remeber my grandma inviting us over for a celebration dinner and cake. She thought she'd save a few penny's and buy a dual cake. Poor dad would have to blow out candles on a cake that said, 'Happy Birthday Larry~ Happy Mother's day' and it had flowers and roses all over it! He hated it! I can laugh now but man, no guy wants flowers all over his cake. Ok, no guys I know!
I laugh with Ryan every now and then thinking about how dad would probably be trying to help us redo the basement. He wouldn't be able to help but he could give great advice on how to use the tools. An armchair quarterback. I wonder what he would think about our house. Our boys. He died when David was 4 and Nathan was 2. He would be looking eye to eye with David now. No more rides on the riding lawn mower for David. Now we would send him to cut Grandpa's lawn. And Nathan barely remembers.
I know God spared my dad from alot of pain that was coming his way. But I wish he was still here to ask advice from. To laugh with. To hug.
I know I got serious here. Thanks for letting me ramble on. I just want to say one thing more. Don't take for granted the family you have. Good or bad they are what God has given. Cherish them. One day they may be taken away suddenly just like my dad. A phone call early in the morning with no warning. Poof. You can't go back and change what's happened you only have from today on. So do what God comanded and love each other. Thank for listening. : )
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Spring Break

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Turn
2.Never in my life: Did I imagine I'd be where I am doing what I'm doing. But I'm glad I'm here!
3.When I was five: I went to Disneyland. I don't remember much. And I've never been back.
4.I will never forget: My Dad.
5.I once met: Lincoln Brewster and sang with him on stage!
6.There’s this girl I know who: has the life I thought I always wanted. But I don't envy her at all anymore. In fact, I'm glad God spared me from it.
7.Once, at a bar: I drank a pop and sang Karaoke
8.By noon, I’m usually: getting lots of waves and smiles as the kids pile into the lunchroom.
9.Last night: was monday night.
10.If I only had: _____(fill in the blank) Is a line that people use way too much
11.Next time I go to church: I won't feel like I did last Sunday! Ask me about the herbs I took called "Happy Camper".
12.What worries me most: Losing Ryan... or my kids.
13.When I turn my head left, I see: a dirty kitchen counter with a bike helmet on it. Oh, and Daffodils
14.When I turn my head right, I see: Out my window and the trash waiting for tomorrows pickup.
15.You know I’m lying when: I try not too.
16.What I miss most about the eighties: My Youth!
17.If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: unable to understand myself.
18.By this time next year: I will be thinner.
19.A better name for me would be: Smiley
20.I have a hard time understanding: why people take life so seriously.
21.If I ever go back to school, I’ll: be out of my mind!
22.You know I like you if: I give you the time of day. Right now it's 5:15. Hee Hee!
23.If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: God. Then Ryan.
24.Take my advice, never: get into debt! Save up and pay cash.
25.My ideal breakfast is: One that I don't have to make.
26.If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you let me know where it is. I've had too many.
27.Why won’t people: stop trying to look perfect?
28.If you spend the night at my house: then bring some popcorn because we'll watch a movie!
29.I’d stop my wedding for: the Rapture. So then God stopped it not me!
30.The world could do without: Sin (Nothing like a Sunday School answer, eh?)
31.I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Actually eat one like my sister did!
32.My favorite blonde is: my future grand-daughter. Yep, I said it!
33.Paper clips are more useful than: a staple. You can take them out without ripping the paper.
34.If I do anything well, it’s: Sing
35.And by the way: I'm hungry!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009
All in a Days Work...
Ryan begged my to make homemade eggrolls tonight. They turned out so nice I thought I'd take a picture and share with everybody. See? I can cook!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The very large leaves are Cucumbers and the far back ones are Tomatoes.
More Cucumber's. Aren't they cute?!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I did It!

After much looking around to no avail, I finally got so frustrated and made my own makeup brush holder. I found a fellow blogger who gave all the dimensions needed and started from there. I think it turned out great!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
So all this is to say sorry. Sorry I haven't written, called or even talked to anyone lately. I haven't even had time for myself. I need a vacation really bad. Somewhere warm with no responsibilities. And definately NO homework!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
But if you must know~
1. I'd like to finish some projects around the house. I'm not telling which ones, but I know if something gets done then all is well for #1.
2. I'd like to get rid of all the snow that is in my yard!
3. Have a garden and grow something I can eat. Heck I'd even take a flower at this point!
4. Not be sick so much this year. Oh, too late. I already have 1 strike against me. I'm currently battling a sore throat!
5. To have more dates with my husband. Seems like we never go out anymore.
6. Spend more quality time with the boys. Laughing is always high on my list. Not this list of course, but my life's list. You know what I mean!
7. Lead more worship when given the chance.
8. Take a vacation. Anywhere. Ok, not just anywhere. I'd really rather not go to the Arctic. Or sleep in a tent in the pouring rain. Or places with bugs. Eeks! You know, somewhere with sand and warmth. Somewhere expensive where people wait on you and bring you things with umbrellas in them. Yeah right, you can scratch this one off the list. It aint happenin'.
Well I guess that's it. Just a few wondering thoughts. If you had all day I could tell you more but I'm not gonna!~
Life at the Beach