Aren't they pretty? Ryan sent them to my work today with a card saying "Happy Mother's Day from your three boys". I never get flowers so it was nice. Well, ok I shouldn't say 'never'. He did bring home some daffodils a few months ago mumbling something about it being a fundraiser of something. They were pretty too.
This Mother's day is bittersweet for me. It happens to be my dad's birthday too. I miss him alot. I remeber my grandma inviting us over for a celebration dinner and cake. She thought she'd save a few penny's and buy a dual cake. Poor dad would have to blow out candles on a cake that said, 'Happy Birthday Larry~ Happy Mother's day' and it had flowers and roses all over it! He hated it! I can laugh now but man, no guy wants flowers all over his cake. Ok, no guys I know!
I laugh with Ryan every now and then thinking about how dad would probably be trying to help us redo the basement. He wouldn't be able to help but he could give great advice on how to use the tools. An armchair quarterback. I wonder what he would think about our house. Our boys. He died when David was 4 and Nathan was 2. He would be looking eye to eye with David now. No more rides on the riding lawn mower for David. Now we would send him to cut Grandpa's lawn. And Nathan barely remembers.
I know God spared my dad from alot of pain that was coming his way. But I wish he was still here to ask advice from. To laugh with. To hug.
I know I got serious here. Thanks for letting me ramble on. I just want to say one thing more. Don't take for granted the family you have. Good or bad they are what God has given. Cherish them. One day they may be taken away suddenly just like my dad. A phone call early in the morning with no warning. Poof. You can't go back and change what's happened you only have from today on. So do what God comanded and love each other. Thank for listening. : )
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