Wilson World

Everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Silver Lake

We had a great day at Silver Lake today. It was the "All Church Campout". We just went up for the day for the potluck and lake festivities. Ryan was the official Blob man. Everyone wanted him to be the guy to propel them off the end of the tube, a.k.a Blob.

Just a few friends.

In this video, Nathan get's blobbed first by David. Then David crawls to the end and gets blobbed by Ryan. I wish I had a closeup of Ryan in the life jacket. If you ever saw Tommy Boy then it's the "Fat man in a little coat" scene. Very funny!
Now that we're home Ryan is paying the price for his fun. He's having a hard time moving around and his back hurts. Poor guy!

1 comment:

Delena said...

That looks like so much fun. I was laughing out loud at the "Fat man in little coat....."

Life at the Beach

Life at the Beach