Wilson World

Everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask...

Monday, July 6, 2009


For the past few years we've been invited to share the 4th of July festivities at Sun-Up Bay Resort in Idaho. They always have a parade with all the neighbors and friends on the 3rd of July followed by fireworks. This year David and Nathan were asked to be apart of the parade. David was reluctant. But when a friend asked him too, (she's on the left in the picture) he said yes. I know it's blurry but you can almost see his smirk. The top picture (that I can't seem to move!) is Nathan "Hooky bobbin' it" (as Ryan called it) on the back of the fire engine.

1 comment:

Delena said...

That's the magical power of a girl.....

Life at the Beach

Life at the Beach