Here's a truck stuck on our street. Can't believe he tried to turn the corner from Mission onto University. We all watched as he slid to a stop. You can see the guys trying to help. He was empty (no load in the back) and he had chains.

Here's some photo's of the back yard. Check out th
e yard stick. 18 inches and it's still snowing!~

Oh, the weather outside is frightul.... Looks awesome, though.
Hi mom! this is david. you dont know this but you are sleeping right now. he he he. i would post a picture but i dont know how. so you can stop reading this now. seriusly, stop. and you are still reading. why? i said stop.
im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...im stuck in a trance... im stuck in a trance...
i smile a lot dont i? -> -> -> -> ->
this is funny. delena doesent know that im here right now STILL typing. you are currently in the kitchen with a towel on her head. and now you just walked in and are siting right next to me. and im still typing. you are funny. and the other thing is that you probably wont be reading these comments unless you post another one on this comment spot. see you later!
still smiling! -> -> -> -> -> ->
this is david. im bored right now and so im going to ask you if i can go on a game site or something like that. you will remember me asking. and i asked right after i typed this.
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